Easter Home Learning Monday 6th April

Good Morning Lawley,

I hope you are all well.  Thank you for all your messages and work sent over the last week, and thank you to Miss Wright for keeping our Home Learning up to date last week.  There are still many children/parents I have not heard from, if you have not been in touch, please can you just send me an email so I know you are seeing this post:


English Home Learning

If you have not done already, please read chapter 1 of Anna and the Third Leaf.  This is set as a To Do on Purple Mash, and there is a quiz at the end of the chapter for you to complete.

Maths Home Learning

Over the Easter period I will be posting fun Easter related activities for Maths.

Day-1-Bake-it-Fairy-Cakes (1)



I will be updating our weekly spellings on the spelling tab, please practise these daily.

Topic Easter Home Learning – 2 week project.

We are going to be looking at London, the capital city of England.  Look at my map of London and the famous attractions.  I would like you to research these attractions and tell me what they are, why they are famous and a fun fact about the attraction, also, have you visited any of them?  This can be done over the next two weeks.

Cheeky Challenge: Can you name and locate any other famous attractions in London?  Tell me more information.


Please continue with your daily ready, Miss Wright has put up the link for the Book Trust and the updated password for Bug Club.

Thank you Lawley.  Keep well and safe.