Wednesday 15th April Home Learning

Good morning Lawley!

I hope you are all well and staying safe.  Please find below home learning ideas for today.

English Home Learning

I would like you to continue with your story writing based on the picture form yesterday.  Ensure you include as much detail as possible, using your senses and imagination.  Remember, we do not know what is at the top of the stairs, so use your own ideas – it could be anything!  Describe what happens next, have fun with your writing!

Maths Home Learning

Here are our maths Easter challenges for today:

Art Home Learning

I would like you to carry out some spring time artwork.  If possible collect items from around your garden, such as leaves, daisies, fallen blossom.  Then create artwork using these items.  You can either glue/stick them in a nice arrangement on your paper, or if you have paint, why not paint the face of your item and print:


Please remember to continue to read at home.  I have also set everyone chapter 2 of Anna and the Third Leaf on Purple Mash.