Home learning ideas week 4!

Hello Nursery children and families,

I hope you’ve all had a lovely Easter!

Our number of the week this week is number 3. If we were still in Nursery our number would have been 17 and so if you feel your child is ready to learn number 17 you can complete the following activities replacing number 3 for number 17.

Some number 3 activities for you to try:

Draw the number 3. Does your child recognise the number, can they show you 3 fingers, 3 shoes, socks, biscuits etc? Can they clap, nod their head, jump 3 times? Can they draw number 3? If you have access to an outside area can they draw number 3 and cover it using stones, leaves, twigs? Can they give you 2 cars, pencils, blocks when they are playing?

Some more ideas…….

Go on a number 3 hunt around your house. Look for number 3 on clocks, telephone, remote control; if you’re out for a walk have a look for number 3 on car registration plates, houses, road signs.


Our colour this week is red. Help your child collect red objects from around your house and garden. Here are some activities you could try:

Red Week for Home Preschool (could be used for other colors ...

Learning Colours | Learning 4 Kids


Our Makaton sign of the week is ‘pig’. “It’s time to sign pig”:


Mrs Phillips has asked me to share the picture of a butterfly she saw in her garden:

Mrs Dorofte has found some minibeasts in her garden:

Mrs Kenning has seen some newborn lambs with their mum in the field by her house:


Thank you to those of you who have emailed photographs of the children and their home learning; I’m really enjoying seeing them all. You can contact me via the Nursery email address Nursery@holytrinitycepa.co.uk to send photographs or videos or if you have a question.

Have a lovely day everyone!