Monday Literacy

If we were still in school lots of our learning would be linked to different types of transport and journeys. I am still going to try to link lots of our work to these. Today we are starting with a story about a space rocket! The story also has a big aeroplane in it!

Listen and watch the story ‘Whatever Next’ by Jill Murphy here:

It would be really good if your child could act out this story, they will need some props. A box for a rocket (or a laundry basket would do!), some boots or wellies, a colander or sieve for the space helmet, a teddy and some food (real or pretend) for the picnic. A willing grown up can be the owl and the plane (unless you also have toy versions) Role play the story, asking questions – What happens at the start of the story? Where do they go? What do they see? What is it like on the moon? Who travels to the moon with Baby Bear? What happens at the end of the story?

When your child has finished acting out the story, I would like them to draw a picture showing the moon. Perhaps they could draw Baby Bear in his rocket on the moon. Can they draw the owl? The plane?  Ask your child to have a go at writing these sentences.


I have used the finger space symbol the children are used to in the first sentence to remind them to use finger spaces! The red words are the tricky words the children know. Capital letters are highlighted in yellow and full stops are highlighted in purple. Underlined sounds are ‘special friend’ sounds. The children know that they need to write two letters for these sounds. The children are used to these, I use them to show them what their work should look like. I’d love to see some examples of the children’s work. Please photograph them and email them to me at