Monday Maths

We are going to continue with our rocket theme in Maths! I would like the children to continue to practise their counting backwards from 20. They might need a number line to help them with the tricky teens numbers. You can write one out for your child or follow the link and print one to use.

0-20 number line

Ask your child to crouch down on the ground to count back from 20 to 0 (20,19,18,17 etc.) After they have said 0 they can jump up and shout ‘blast off!’ Encourage them to do this a number of times.

Write out numbers 0-20 on individual squares of paper (encourage your child do this if they can) Ask your child to put them in order to make a rocket. Start with 20 at the bottom and order the numbers backwards so 0 is at the top of the rocket. It will look at little like this. You could use the numbers that were included in the home learning pack for this, but your child will not be practicing their number formation.

Can they put a paper triangle at the top, so it really does look like a rocket?

Ask your child to find a small toy animal/Lego figure/dinosaur etc. Ask them to put it on the rocket on a specific number. Then give them instructions to move the toy. For example, ask them to start by putting the toy on the number 2. Then ask them what double this number is? (4) The toy moves to number 4. What is 1 more than 4? They move the toy to number 5 and so on.

If you have the space, inside or outside you could create your own large 20-0 number line and your child could follow your instructions/answer your questions to move on the number line, in the same way as the small toy in the activity above. If inside, perhaps use A4 size paper. If you are working outside you could chalk the numbers onto the ground, or use stones to stop your paper numbers blowing away!

This interactive game supports learning on numbers to 20. The children have to work out which is the missing number.