Home Learning – Monday 20th April

Good Morning and welcome back to daily posts!

I hope you have had a lovely break and have been enjoying the beautiful weather! I know I have! If you ordered a Home Learning Pack – they are now available to collect from the school office! I will post all of the resources in a separate post on here so that they are available for download.

I have also updated the Spellings for this week. Spell check can be done on Friday or Monday. Thank you so much to those parents who have been practising. Don’t forget the children only need to learn their spellings for one group (Kiwis, Oranges, Strawberries or Cherries – not all of them!)

This week we are focussing on a book that I know you all love! The Gruffalo! Here is a link to the video if you don’t have the book: https://youtu.be/s8sUPpPc8Ws

Every day you will have a new literacy task for both Year 1 and Reception to complete.

For the Maths, Year 1 will be following the White Rose Home Learning Scheme that can be found here: https://whiterosemaths.com/homelearning/year-1/  Starting at Week 1 of the Summer Term. This will get increasingly difficult and might be a too tricky for Reception.

For Reception, I will be setting a daily Maths Challenge for them to complete. If Year 1 would like to complete this as well – that is completely up to you!

I have also made a list of some fun “Gruffalo” themed activities that you can do alongside the Literacy and the Maths activities: The Gruffalo.

The literacy task for today is a character description!

I would love for you to write a character description of the Gruffalo as if you are the Mouse. Can you remember all of the details? Make sure you write in full sentences!

For the Maths, I would like you to pretend to be the Mouse and the Gruffalo. (The adult should be the mouse). Use some small objects that you can count, like beads, beans or cubes. The rule is that the Gruffalo always eats DOUBLE the amount of the mouse! So if the mouse has 2, how many does the Gruffalo eat? Repeat this activity a few times. The idea is to have the children physically counting out double the amount and understanding the link.