World Earth Day – Wednesday 22nd April 2020

Hi everyone, I hope you are all well.

Today is Earth Day and linked with our Geography, I would like us to join together to celebrate Earth.

What is Earth Day?
Earth Day, celebrated on 22nd April each year, is the annual event dedicated to awareness about the various environmental challenges that face our planet.
Co-ordinated by the Earth Day Network, 193 countries around the world have their own version of celebrations.
In many places, Earth Day forms part of Earth Week: a longer period of climate awareness that includes activities and campaigns.
The 2020 version of Earth Day will be the 50th anniversary of the event.

History of Earth Day
The idea of Earth Day first originated among the people fighting the 1969 Santa Barbara oil spill.
It is said that American senator Gaylord Nelson, one of the main proponents of the event, was flying over the disaster in an aeroplane and was so shocked by the scale of it that he decided to create a Day to help prevent future cases.
The first Earth Day, held in 1970, saw millions of people around the world roam the streets with the desire to make a stand for environmental change. Many think of this as being the beginning of modern environmental activism.
Since then, the Day has gone from strength to strength, with the Internet helping to distribute its message further than was ever possible before.
Its crowning achievement perhaps came in 2016, when the Paris Agreement came into force for the majority of the World’s countries, ensuring increased environmental protection.
Earth Day is now the world’s largest civic event.

How is Earth Day celebrated?
Each year, Earth Day has a variety of themes, signifying a new focus on a particular environmental concern.
The theme for Earth Day 2020 is climate action. Climate change represents an enormous challenge to the future of humanity and the life-support systems that make our world habitable.

How are Holy Trinity celebrating?

Below you will find 10 different activities, you can choose how many activities you would like to complete, but it would be fantastic is everyone completed at least one.  Some activities are aimed towards EYFS and Key Stage 1 and some towards Key Stage 2, however it is up to you which activity you would like to choose.  Work alongside your grownups at home, have fun together, but please make sure you ask permission before using any equipment.

Once you have completed an activity please make sure you take a photograph of your creation and send it either to myself or your teacher.  My email address is

Activity 1

Thinking about what Earth Day is for and its link to Climate Change this year, you could design a poster advertising Earth Day.  This could show why we celebrate Earth Day, what Earth Day covers and the beautiful and wonderful things about Earth.

Activity 2

Make a model of the Earth.  You could make this out of anything you have at home – junk modelling, Paper Mache, playdough, absolutely anything.

Activity 3

You could have a go at recycling yourself by using empty packaging to plant seeds to grow.

Activity 4

Greta Thunberg started a campaign about climate change.  Write a script to interview Greta to find out more about her campaign and why she started this.  Click on the link below to find out more information about Greta through BBC Newsround.  Once you have completed your script you could record the interview with a member of your household pretending to be Greta.

Activity 5

Celebrate Earth Day by collecting natural items from your garden, then create a beautiful piece of art.

Activity 6

Research the impact of pollution, in particular the positive effect the current lockdown has had on the Earth’s pollution.  For example, parts of the Himalayan mountain range can be seen in parts of India for the first time in 125 years due to the smog lifting.   Focus your research locally, nationally and globally, then write a newspaper report on this.

Activity 7

Design and bake a cake to celebrate Earth Day.  Design this first, drawing and labelling how you want your cake to look, followed by a list of ingredients you will need.  Before baking, research where the ingredients come from and their journey to get to your house.

Activity 8

Create an animation about climate change, use voices and sound effects!  You can use Lego, playdough or anything from around your house.

Activity 9

Create a song or poem about Earth Day with a focus on climate change.  Research and find out as much as you can so you can include these facts in your song or poem.  You might even want to create a special artistic background  for when you record your song.

Activity 10

Using the art techniques used by Kandinsky, create a piece of tree artwork or think of your own design linked to climate change.  Here are some examples of work following Kandinsky’s style.

Have fun with this, remembering the reasons behind Earth Day.  I am looking forward to seeing your photographs and sharing them with everyone.

Stay well and safe, Mrs Thompstone