Caradoc English Home Learning Thursday 23rd April

I hope that you are all practising your weekly spellings along with words form the Year 2 spelling list sent home. Remember that new spellings will be set under the spelling tab tomorrow. You could use the dictation sheet to check.

I hope that you are enjoying our class text, I have set more activities linked to this on Purple Mash.

Today I would like you to focus on writing commands (you can be a bit bossy!) and also using commas to separate items in a list.

Watch this short video to refresh your memory:

Command sentences are used when you are telling someone to do something. Watch the video below to find out more.

Commands usually start with a ‘bossy verb’, because they tell someone to do something.

Fetch me some biscuits.”

In this example, ‘fetch’ is the bossy verb.

You should use commands when you are writing instructions telling someone how to do something.


You may need paper and a pen or pencil for some of these activities.

Activity 1: Let’s make a list

Watch this video and talk about what you see

If you could grow any fruit or vegetables in the world, what would you grow? Make a list of fruit and vegetables that you would grow and explain why you have chosen them. For example:

“I would grow apples, oranges and pears because my family really like fruit salads.”

Try to write three sentences like this one. You could always say them out loud before you write them down, if it helps.

Activity 2: Let’s write instructions

Do you know how to look after plants? You might want to have another look at the video in activity 1 to remind you.

Write a set of instructions about how to look after a plant.

You will need to:

  • write a mini introduction title to grab the attention of the reader. This could be a question like: ‘Do you sometimes struggle with caring for plants? Read on to find out more.’
  • write clear instructions on how to look after plants
  • organise your instructions using numbers and time words (first, next, then, last)

Remember to use ‘bossy verbs’ in your sentences.

An example of your first instruction could be:

  1. First put your plant in a place where it is light.