Friday 24th April Home Learning

Good morning Lawley!

I hope you are all well and staying safe.  Here are our home learning tasks for today:

Phonics and Reading

Today I would like you all to carry out your daily reading and complete a book review telling me what you enjoyed or did not enjoy about your book.  Here is a template for those who have used your review sheets all up.

In phonics, I would like everyone to watch the Read Write Inc Set 3 Phonics session on YouTube.  Then I would like you to have a game of Make a Match on the Phonics Play website.  This game will test your memory as well as help you with practising your phonics.

English Home Learning

Carrying on with our work on verbs and bossy verbs this week, I would like you to draw some pictures of a verb then write a sentence underneath turning it into a bossy verb.


A verb is an action/doing word, such as run, cry, laugh, sing, cook, stir.

A bossy verb is telling you how to carry out the action, such as quickly, quietly, slowly.

For example, I want to run, so I would draw a person running:

and write: Quickly run away.

I have set a missing words and joining words activity on Purple Mash based on Anna and the Third Leaf.

Maths Home Learning

Today we have a Maths Challenge to complete.  These challenges can be found on BBC Bitesize, as well as below:

Cheeky Challenge: Listen to our counting in twos song, then write the numbers down.

Spelling Test

Today is usually our spelling test day.  Please get someone in your house to complete your spelling test today.  Don’t forget to send me your scores!


For our ICT lesson today I want you to think back a few weeks when we started to look at coding. Remember we made fish and crabs move across the screen together.  Today I would like you to have a go at this yourself.  I have set this as a To Do on Purple Mash and there are on screen instructions for each task.

I hope you all have a good weekend, stay well and keep safe.