Friday Maths

Today we are going to have some fun!

You will need a ball ore some balled up socks, a goal post (an open cardboard box on its side, an open space marked by two markers or even between a chair or table legs) and number cards to 20.You will also need the timer on your phone.

Start by joining in with the words and actions to this song.

Remind the children about estimating. They have been taught that an estimate is a sensible guess.

I’d like the children to estimate how many goals they can score before your 20 second timer runs out. Was their estimate correct? Did they score more or less than their estimate? can they beat their score if they try again? Can you beat their score? Who scored the most goals?


To extend the activity, children could write down their estimate and the actual amount to practise their number formation.

Lay the number cards face down on the floor. Turn one over – ask your child what number is it and to jump that many times. Repeat this activity until your child has had enough! You might want to ask them to squat, air punch, clap, tap their heads or any other type of action. The idea is that they have fun whilst recognising the numbers to 20 and counting to that number.

Hide the number cards around your house or garden. Challenge your child to find all the numbers. They will need to order them as they find them to work out which numbers are missing and so haven’t been found yet. Happy searching!

When the Number cards have been found and lined up ask your child to stand at number one and roll the ball/balled up socks along the number line. What number does the ball stop on? Your child has to challenge you to do that number of actions. For example, if they roll the ball and it stops on number 13, they might challenge you to do 13 head taps. Ask them to count along to make sure you do the right number of actions.