My Lighthouse and catch up

Morning Stipersones

Well what a busy week we have had. Mrs Price set you a task on the web site on Monday to make a video of yourself singing Lighthouse. She wants to put one together for the school to share, at the moment only Jayden has done it from Stiperstones which is a real shame.
I would like you to film yourself doing the actions to My Lighthouse using this link to help you –
When you are happy with the video send it to Mrs Price  at and she will create one big Holy Trinity video for you all to see, or message it via the school facebook page 🙂
This will be a great opportunity for you to sing the song, remember the amazing words which are so important during this time and for you to see your friends. You can film your video alone or with your brothers and sisters – anyway will be perfect! Be creative with your filming too.
I’d love the videos by the end of the day as Mrs Price wants to get the video done
Have a great time and I can’t wait to see the videos!

Can we finish any of the activities that I have set for you to do during the week – all the maths sheets, Happy News,Purple Mash 2Do’s tasks and anything else that needs finishing.

Have a great day!!!