Monday 27th April Home Learning

Good morning Lawley!

I hope you are all well and have had a safe yet enjoyable weekend.  A big well done to Mrs Price who completed 26.2 miles over last week. She was due to run the London Marathon, which was cancelled, so built up the miles daily over the week.

Phonics and reading

Please complete your daily reading, then take part in the set 3 Read Write Inc phonics session on YouTube.  Once you have completed this I would like you to play Buried Treasure on the Phonics Play website, reviewing all set 2 sounds.

English Home Learning

Whilst looking at a range of instructions you may have noticed that the beginning of each instruction starts with a different sentence opener.  Take a look at these examples:

When you read these instructions you will notice after each number there is a different sentence opener.  We have studies different sentence openers before in class when looking at recounts and newspaper reports.

When we read instructions they are in an order, telling you the correct order to follow the instructions so you are successful in making the end product.

Here are some examples of different sentence openers when writing instructions:

Think about what you do in a morning  I would like you to write about each step you take using a different sentence opener.  For example:

  1. First I slowly wake up.

Cheeky Challenge: Use a bossy verb in your instruction.

I have set a collecting leaves and a paint project activity on Purple Mash to show your understanding of Chapter 4 of Anna and the Third Leaf.

This weeks spellings can be found on Lawley’s spellings.

Maths Home Learning

Here is our starter activity:

Today we are going to recap on finding a half.  Find some Lego, bricks, coins or pencils to use to support your learning and understanding when completing the activity below:

Remember when finding a half you are splitting the object into 2 groups and both groups must be equal.

Cheeky Challenge:  Following what you were set last week, the following activity can be found on BBC Bitesize.  Today you are going to be looking at ordinal numbers:

Topic Home Learning

Last week you drew a picture and labelled your favourite flower.  Today I would like you to create a fantasy flower; this is a made up flower.  You need to draw and colour your fantasy flower, then label the picture.  I want you to consider:

  • The colour.
  • The size.
  • The smell.
  • What it will feel like.
  • Where it grows.
  • Who will enjoy your flower?

As well as drawing and colouring your fantasy flower, I would like you to write about it thinking about the points above.  Provide me with as much information as possible so I can really imagine seeing your fantasy flower.  I am really looking to see your designs!

Science Home Learning

Miss Wright has provided many fun and interesting science projects to try.  Have a look on Lawley’s news page and choose an activity to complete today.  Remember to send photographs.

Have a fun, safe day and remember to keep sending me your work, it is great to see your learning.