Tuesday Maths

Today your child will work on repeating patterns. A pattern where the design repeats over and over.

Play this repeating pattern train game. There are three levels of difficulty, start with the easiest and allow your child to work through the different levels.


If you can, print off this sheet  and ask your child to create repeating patterns by colouring in the carriages.

train repeat pattern pic 

If you are unable to print the sheet off, this is what it looks like. Could you draw a simple version for your child to colour?

If you have coloured blocks, challenge your child to create repeating patterns. Start by just using two colours then extend them. Can they make the pattern more complicated than for example, just red, blue, red blue? How about red, red, blue, green, red, red, blue green. If you say the colours aloud with your child it will make it easier for them to follow the pattern.

If you don’t have blocks you could create repeating patterns with coloured sweets, toy animals, collect some leaves, or even use socks!