Tuesday 28th April Home Learning

Good morning Lawley,

I hope you are all well and safe.  Here are our home learning activities for today.  Do remember there are lots of other activities being posted regularly on the Lawley news page, not just by myself but other HT teachers as well.  Take a look and challenge yourselves to one of these.

Phonics and reading

Please complete your daily reading and complete the daily Read Write Inc session on YouTube for our phonics set 3 sounds.  Following this please have a game with Obb and Bob on the game Picnic on Pluto revising all phase 3 sounds.

English Home Learning

I would like you to have a look at the different sentence openers in my list below:

Now have a look at my list of verbs:

I would like you to write at least five sentences using one of the different sentence openers with on of the verbs, making sure:

  • Your sentence makes sense.
  • You use full stops.
  • You use capital letters.
  • You use your phonics knowledge.
  • You use neat handwriting.
  • You use finger spaces.

Cheeky Challenge: Write your own sentence with a different sentence opener and a different verb.

Chapter 5 of Anna and the Third Leaf is now available on Purple Mash along with a quiz to complete.

Maths Home Learning

Our starter for maths today is:

Today we are looking at finding a quarter.  Remember a quarter is when an object is split into 4 parts – with all of them being equal.

Cheeky Challenge: Watch our number bonds to 10 video then write the number bonds to ten down independently.  

RE Home Learning

Christians believe that Jesus brings good news for people and this good news includes being loved by God.  

At the moment there is a lot of bad news that we are hearing.  Today I would like you to think of some happy news.  You may already know some happy news, if not have a look on BBC news round or speak to others in your home. 

I posted information last week on the Lawley news page asking for you to report some happy news.  Today for RE I would like to complete this Happy News activity.  Let’s spread some good news like Jesus.

PE Home Learning

Our unit in PE should be Athletics, so today I would like you to safely have a go at learning to complete a standing long jump.  This can be done safely inside or outside, but please make sure you have plenty of space and check with your grown ups first.

Have a good day, keep well.