Tuesday’s ‘rainbow’ ideas

Hello Nursery children and families,


First we are going to warm our bodies up:


Today’s first activity is for your child to use their hands or feet to make a rainbow picture. There are some ideas below but if you do not have paint at home they can draw around their hands or feet and then colour them in to make their rainbow picture:


For the next activity I would like you to pour some paint into a sandwich bag and seal the top. Hang it on a window and your child can use their finger to ‘write’ in the paint and practise letter and number formation. If you do not have paint you can place some salt, sugar or flour onto some coloured paper or tray and your child can practise writing their name, numbers, shapes etc in this











Following on from yesterday’s pattern activity, here is the link to an online repeated patterns game. The children will be familiar with this game as it is a favourite in Nursery:



Have a lovely day everyone!