Maths Home Learning Caradoc April

I would like you to practise counting  forwards and back in 10s. Try from different number, using the counting stick like we do in class e.g.

13, 23, 33, 43

89, 79, 69, 59

Try starting at 92

Now try starting at 98

Ask a grown up if they could ask you questions throughout the day e.g.


What is 10 less than…?

What is 10 more than…?

This will help to increase your fluency!

Quick recap:


10 is………..2+7

Could you use objects from around the home to create your own statements using these symbols:

Today we are going to focus on comparing length. Watch the teaching video and try the Flashback 4:


Now try the activities below:


You may like to tune into the daily BBC Bitesize lesson which would be good revision on the value of different coins:
