Science Ideas….

Today I’d like you to explore your senses. We have 5 senses.


To explore the sense of sight – Play I spy. Your child might find this easier if you put a selection of well – known objects on the floor or table and use those as the items to spy.

To explore the sense of smell – Put some smelly foods in cups. Use a blindfold and challenge your child to smell the food and guess what it is! Some ideas could be – tuna, coffee, cheese, strong flavoured crisps.

To explore the sense of touch – Put an item in a feely box or bag, or use a blindfold again. Don’t let them see what it is. Can they guess just by touch? Some ideas could be – a sock, a peg, a teddy, a pencil, a cup.

To explore the sense of taste – Add some food colouring to different drinks (so make orange juice blue, milk green, water red etc.) Can your child guess the drink, even though it looks different?

To explore the sense of hearing – Have a listening minute where all is quiet and your child listens to the world around them. This could be done twice, once inside and once outside. What did they hear?