Wednesday – Off with her Head!!

Good morning Stiperstones – Hope you are all well?

Some of you have got work in your packs and have already started to find out about

Henry V111   in our new Topic – Off with her Head!!! This is also one of my favourite

parts  of History and I was so looking forward to teaching this Topic.


English  – Chapter 4 Suffragettes – Purple Mash

Comprehension – Purple Mash

See the main link on Florence Nightingale – I would really like you to

participate  in this if you can.

Maths – decimals

Who was Henry V111? Worksheet  file:///C:/Admin/New%20folder/The%20Tudors%20Who%20Was%20Henry%20VIII%20Descriptions.pdf


The link below will give you all the help you need


Have a good day