Wednesday’s home learning


Hello Nursery children and families,


To start the day we are going to do some yoga:


Next today I would like you to go on a shape hunt around your house and garden. Can you name the shapes that you’ve found? Did you find a circle, square, triangle, rectangle? Or a different shape. When you have found a shape can you take a photograph of it using a camera, mobile phone or tablet?

Now I would like you to make a rainbow bracelet or necklace. You can use penne pasta which you can colour using food colouring or paint. Thread the pasta onto a piece of wool or string; you can decide if the piece of string will be long or short. When you have made your bracelet or necklace count how many pieces of pasta you have threaded on. If you haven’t got pasta you can use beads, buttons, cardboard tubes or rolled up pieces of coloured paper.

How to dye pasta in one easy step:
You will need:

  • Penne pasta
  • Paint
  • Freezer bags or mixing bowls

Simply tip your pasta (uncooked) into bags or bowls. Squirt over the desired paint colour and mix thoroughly. Tip out onto paper towels or a baking tray and leave to dry for 1-2 hours. Done!

Here is a rainbow song for you to join in with:


Have a lovely day everyone!