Home Learning – Wednesday 29th April

Good Morning Earl’s Hill! I hope you are all safe and well!

Today I would love for you to imagine you are flying on the back of Zog! Soaring through the sky, through the clouds, over the world. What can you see? Where would you go? Who would you take with you? Please write with your neatest writing! I would love your writing to have loads of adjectives and don’t forget your finger spaces and full stops! You still need to sounding out each of the words by yourself! I was very impressed with the work from yesterday!

Reception’s Maths: Today I would like you to take two teddies/dolls/figurines and share out some food with them.

If you have 4, how many would they have each?

If you have 6, how many would they have each?

If you have 10, how many would they have each?

Now take 3 teddies and share out some food with them.

If you have 6, how many would they have each?

If you have 9, how many would they have each?

If you have 12, how many would they have each?

Cheeky Challenge: If you have 10, how many would they have each? Are there any left over?

Year 1’s Maths: https://whiterosemaths.com/homelearning/year-1/

Worksheet: Week 2 Lesson 3

As a little extra project, we are going to look at some Science over the next few days as well! We are thinking all about materials! A material is what something is made of. BBC Bitesize has very helpfully planned a whole lesson on materials, including videos and activities that your child can do.


For the last activity in the lesson – looking around your home – I would love for the children to pretend to be detectives. If you have a magnifying glass – get the children to use it. If not, just draw one and cut it out. This makes searching for those sneaky materials so much more exciting! When you find a material – for example a wooden door – talk about why that material has been used. Does it need to be strong? Would fabric work?

Don’t forget to take loads of pictures and upload them into your portfolio!

Have fun!