Caradoc English Home Learning 29th April

Make sure that you practise your spellings and form your letters carefully.

“Handwrite has been set as a ‘2do’ on Purple Mash along with more activities linked to chapter 4 of Anna and the Third Leaf.

Today we are going to think about the story Rapunzel again, I have put a selection of illustrations of the characters from the story below. There is a sheet you could print if you are able to.


Choose one of the characters and focus on the character’s name and think about their part in the story. Talk with someone in your home to describe their role and, imagining you are that character, describe their point of view of events. Think about things that they might have said about the story’s events if they were interviewed by the newspaper. Write your ideas either in your workbook or in a speech bubble like the one below:

speech-bubbles characters-from-rapunzel

You may also enjoy tuning into the BBC daily English lesson which is all about minibeasts today! You would have the opportunity to practise using a range of conjunctions ( and, or, but, because, if) in a factfile about minibeasts.
