Thursday 30th April Home Learning

Good morning Lawley!

I hope you are all well and staying safe.

Phonics and reading

Please complete your daily reading, then watch the Read Write Inc Phonics Set 3 session on YouTube.  Following this I would like you to have a game of Buried Treasure on the Phonics Play website, focusing on revising phase 4 sounds please.

English Home Learning

Today we are going to continue looking at adding a suffix to our words.  These are what we add to words to make our sentences sound correct.

Recap on our learning from yesterday then have a look at our activity for today.  These can be written down on paper instead of being printed out.

Cheeky Challenge: Write a sentence describing Lawley class using one of the words and suffix from the activity.

Complete the activities for Anna and the Third Leaf set on Purple Mash, these are story sequencing and a paint project.

Maths Home Learning

Our starter for today is:

Today we have a problem solving activity.  These problems are getting you to have a good think about things we have learnt previously and asking you to see if you can solve the problems.  The video can be found at:

or the activity is:

Cheeky Challenge:  I would like you to join in with our counting in tens video, then write down the numbers forwards and backwards without looking!

Science Home Learning

Today I would like you to have a look at the Florence Nightingale Science Project that is on our Lawley News page.  Mrs Platt has found this project and there are activities for you to complete.  Florence Nightingale is a big part of our history and we have discussed why she is famous in our PSHE lessons previously.

Mrs Morgan’s exciting, hopping project

Here is the next update from Mrs Morgan.  Remember to keep add to your diary so at the end we can share what we have noticed about the lifecycle of a frog.

The tadpoles like to eat algea from the pond and as a treat I feed them cucumber and broccoli.

Here is a short video of the tadpoles, they are about 4 and a half weeks old.

Music Home Learning

Today we are going to look at body percussion, this means making music with our bodies.  Can you think of how you can made music with your body?

Here are some different ways:

Can you make a song using body percussion?

Have a good day and keep well.