English Home Learning Caradoc Thursday April 30th

Make sure that you practise your spellings and handwriting everyday- you will have new spellings and a dictation sheet tomorrow. You may want to use 2Handwrite on Purple Mash. Don’t forget to look at the activities linked to ‘Anna and the Third Leaf’.

I would like you to try a quick warm up activity. Look at the frog picture. What could they be saying to each other? Can you create a funny cartoon using speech bubbles?

Following on from your character work yesterday, I would like you to plan and write a character description for Rapunzel or the Prince.You could use a picture or draw the character to help you.

First collect adjectives to describe the character similar to this example:

Think about their appearance (what they look like), what sort of person they are. Here are some ideas.

Once you have collected lots of ideas you can use them to write full sentences.

Could you use two adjective to describe the noun e.g.

She wore a large, gold ring.

Finally you may want to tune into the BBC daily English lesson which is all about writing descriptions and using conjunctions in your sentences. The activity links to our Science work on plants:


These may help you