Caradoc Maths Home Learning

Good morning, I hope you have enjoyed the Maths activities set this week. It has been great to receive pictures of the work you have completed at home- well done!

Georgi has been concentrating and working very hard on his Maths Home Learning!


I would like you to warm up today by quickly answering these questions. You could ask some one to read them to you. Think about the counting stick we use in class or use the hundred square to help you.

There is a printable version below:


10 more than 55 is………..

10 more than 21 is………..

10 more than 13 is…….

10 less than 76 is………..

10 less than 53 is………..

Today is our Friday Maths Challenge!

You may want to find some objects around the home to represent the strawberries. Think about how many equal groups you need.


Use an pencil and paper and draw this out.


A bar model may help.