English Home Learning May 1st

Good morning,I would like you to check your spellings today, perhaps ask someone you live with to read the dictated sentences out loud to you so that you can check your spellings in a full sentence. Make sure you form your letters carefully!

I will set new spellings under the Spelling tab today.

There are lots of activities linked to Anna and the Third Leaf on Purple Mash.


I would like you to plan a story based on Rapunzel, you could change a part of the story to make it your own. You might want to draw a story mountain to help you to sequence what happens in your story:

Think about the:

Story start, where is it set and who are the main characters?

The build up, how could you interest the reader without giving away what might happen?

The Problem, what is the problem?

The solution, how does she escape?

The ending, how does the story end?

Use your story mountain/plan to help you to write your story. Remember not to copy the plan but use it to prompt you!

Think about the main parts in your story.


You may like to tune into the BBC daily English lesson which looks at an extract of the story Funny Bones. There are some fun activities linked to the story:
