Wednesday’s Home Learning


Hello Nursery children and families,


Today we are going to start the day by listening and joining in with a song all about shapes; remember to draw the shapes in the air:


Now a days of the week song which we have sung at Nursery:



I hope you enjoyed the ‘Rainbow Fish’ story and activities yesterday. Here is another activity for you to do and enjoy today:

First I would like you to draw and cut out a fish shape. Now fold your fish in half down the middle and cut from the fold towards the edges; remember not to cut all the way to the edge! Open up your fish and you will see slits in the fish. Next, using strips of coloured paper; you can use magazines or wrapping paper, weave the strips through the slits on your fish….hope it’s not too tricky!


Now for a messy activity! You can do this activity indoors or outdoors. You need:

  • old clothes
  • shaving foam/gel
  • food colouring, glitter or paint (don’t worry if you haven’t got these)
  • a tray

Squirt some shaving foam onto the tray and spread it out using your hands; what does it smell like? What does it feel like? Can you make a rainbow using the food colouring or paint. If you don’t have food colouring or paint you can make a rainbow shape using your fingers.

Now using the shaving foam, I would like you to:

  • draw a face
  • draw a circle, square, triangle
  • write your name
  • write or copy some words











I know that lots of you are missing coming to Nursery and seeing your friends. I have a video for you to watch about Waffle the dog and how he misses his friend Doug. Grown-ups, there are some extra ideas on ways to support your child if they are missing their friends.

When you’ve watched the video I would love you to draw a picture of who or what you are missing from Nursery; it may be a friend, a toy, a teacher, somewhere you like to play in Nursery…….. You can write what your picture is about too.

When you have drawn your picture send it to me and I will put them on our web page so that your friends will see them and you will see the pictures your friends have drawn.

I would love to see photographs of any exciting things you’ve been doing or making! You can send them to me at


Have a good day everyone!