Home Learning – Thursday 7th May

Good morning Earl’s Hill! I hope you are all well!

Today’s I would like you to plan Snail’s next trip! He really wants to go and see more of the world. Whale is busy so he can’t take him. Think of an animal who can travel and that the snail can ride on.

  1. Draw a picture of the snail and the new animal travelling together.
  2. Tell me who the animal is and why they would be perfect for the snail to travel with.
  3. Write down four new places that they would travel to together and why they would go there.

Yesterday we practised using the word “because” in our sentences. Try writing it today!

Reception Maths

Today the children will be looking at different ways of making 10 again. You will be using a paper boat and sails to show this.

You will need some paper shapes. You will need 12 triangles, each with a number 0-10. You will need two with 5 on them. You will need a shape that represents a boat, which has a number 10 written on it and a long thin rectangle. You will also need 10 counters or coins.

Ask your child to build the boat and choose two triangles for sails. Use counters to check if the total adds up to 10. If it does, children write the calculation out. This example would be written as 2 + 8 = 10.

How many ways of making 10 can your child find?

If your child struggles to find ways of making 10, they can simply use this as an addition activity. Turn the boat shape over so there is no number showing. Your child can select any two numbers for the sails and use counters to work out the total. This example shows 5+1 = 6

Here is the Year 1 sheet: Week 3 Lesson 4