Thursday’s Home Learning


Hello Nursery children and families,


I hope you are all enjoying the beautiful sunshine!


Today we are going to start the day by doing some more rainbow yoga:



Today I would like you to draw an item of the colours of the rainbow. So can you draw a………red heart? An orange orange? I have made a chart for you to print out or copy if you don’t have a printer at home. Remember to write your name on your picture!

Rainbow colours


As lots of families are making keepsakes to remember the important things about the coronavirus pandemic, I thought it would be lovely if you and your family could create a keepsake which is unique to your family. I have included some ideas but you can create one of your own if you prefer:


Now I would like you to find some plastic bottles, cups, old yogurt pots etc. Fill a large container with water and if you have some food colouring pop a bit in. Swirl it around and now you will have coloured water. Using the items you have found you can enjoy filling and emptying your containers. Can you put water into a container so that it is full? Half full? If you have a measuring jug fill a container to the top with water and then tip the water into the measuring jug, how much water does it hold? Do this with different size and shaped containers. Which holds the most water? And the least? You could add some bubbles to the water too.


Finally here is a rainbow song for you to listen and join in with:


As always I would love to see some photographs of the things you have been doing and creating.