Extended Provision

Our Wrap Around Care Club continues for it’s second year.  Children can be dropped off from 7:30am at the demountable building, by the Nursery entrance.  They will be provided with a breakfast.

Children can use this facility after school.  The club is open until 5:00pm.

If you would would like to reserve a place for your child please contact the office.

Enrich your child’s learning with our extra-curricular and after-school clubs

We see innovative, enhanced curriculum as a vital part of our pupils’ personal development.
Our clubs offer an amazing array of different opportunities to make children’s learning fun and meaningful. Their confidence increases and their outcomes are greatly improved as a result to taking part in new and exciting activities.
We try to offer a wide variety of clubs throughout the year,these are updated termly, please see below for details.
Extra Curricular

  • Reception & KS1 Choir
  • KS2 Choir
  • Percussion Group
  • Lego Club
  • Drama
  • Mixed Football
  • Girls Football



What’s On