Home Learning – Friday 8th May

Good Morning!

Okay so it’s Friday, the sun is shining and no one wants to do Maths or Writing today! So I would like you to complete a challenge for me. I want you to do something amazing.

75 years ago today, something incredible happened. Victory in Europe Day, generally known as VE Day or V-E Day, is a day when we celebrate Germany’s unconditional surrender of its armed forces. We won the war!

To celebrate I would like you to show me joy. What can you build/sing/create/do/dance to show me joy? You can do ANYTHING you like: lego, art, dancing, singing, drawing, painting, building, baking, or acting. All I ask is that when someone sees what you have done, it brings a huge smile to their face!

Upload it on to your portfolio on ClassDojo. I would love for you to involve your families if you can! The most important thing is that you enjoy what you are doing!

Also if your road or house are having celebrations, make sure to send me some photos of that too! I hope you have an incredible long weekend! You deserve it!

Stay safe xx