Seeds and Nursery tadpoles


Good morning Nursery children and families,

I have taken some photographs of the bean seeds and sunflower seeds which I planted. I have watered the seeds every day and now they have started to grow! One of the sunflower plants popped out through the compost followed by the other two seeds which I planted:

This is the sunflower seed when I first noticed that it had started to grow:

The next day it had grown some more:

Now I have three seeds which have started to grow:

Which sunflower plant do you think will grow the tallest? Number 1? Number 2? Or number 3?


Today I noticed that one of the bean seeds I planted has started to grow too. If you look very closely you can see it; I have drawn around it in case you can’t spot it in the compost because it is still very small:


Our Nursery tadpoles have changed again. When I was in school on Friday I noticed that some of the tadpoles have changed into frogs! I used a bucket to take some of the water out of the tank so that the frogs can jump onto the rock and breathe. Straight away some of the frogs jumped out of the water and onto the rocks.

I have taken some photographs and a video of the frogs for you to see how they have changed. One frog even jumped onto the glass when I opened the lid. I think the frogs will soon be ready to go back to Mrs Morgan’s pond.





Maybe you could sing the song ‘Five little speckled frogs’ with Mr Tumble?