Topic (DT) Home Learning week beginning May 11th

Our English task this week is based on the traditional tale of the Three Billy Goats Gruff. Your task is to design and make a bridge for the Billy Goats to cross. The bridge should be made with materials you have in your home, I suggest using spaghetti and marshmallows like in the pictures but if you do not have these don’t worry you could choose materials which you have around the home like  newspaper and tape.

The only rule is that the bridge must span 20cm and be able to hold a Billy Goat (not a real one!). You will need to test how strong your bridge is by seeing how many coins it will hold before it breaks, remember to record how many coins it will hold you are able to take photographs of your bridge.Have a look at the bridges on the link below, look at the different styles, sizes and the types of places they span.
