Maths Home Learning Friday 14th May 2020


Can you use what you’ve learnt to complete these challenges?

Challenge 1

Eric bakes these two trays of muffins.

Two baking trays each containing 6 muffins.

He eats 2 muffins.

His dad eats 3 muffins.

His sister eats 4 muffins.

How many muffins does he have left?

Grey line

Challenge 2

Lola buys this key ring.

A key ring with a price tag of 20 pence.

Her mum givers a quarter of the money.

She pays for the rest herself.

How much does she pay herself?

Grey line

Challenge 3

A teacher has three clues to determine his age; Clue 1 - This year my age is a multiple of 4; Clue 2 - Next year my age will be a multiple of 5; Clue 3 - I'm older than 18 but younger than 42.

How old is the teacher?

Grey line

Challenge 4

Ten trees are planted in a row.

10 trees.

The trees are spaced out equally.

The distance between the fourth and sixth tree is 8 metres.

An arrow labelled with 8 metres to show the distance between the fourth, fifth and sixth trees.

What is the distance between the first and last tree?

Grey line

As a rough guide of difficulty level:

  • Challenge 1 and 2 are suitable for ages 5 to 7.

  • Challenge 3 and 4 are suitable for ages 7 to 11.

We want everyone to get involved with challenge day, so work together to solve as many as you can and share your solutions!

Answer sheet
Follow this link and scroll to the bottom of the page to see the answers!