Tuesday Maths

Warm up by singing this song and joining in with the actions!

Start by laying your number cards face up on the floor. Ask your child to ‘move like a bus to number 15’, ‘like a train to 9’, ‘like a plane to 14’ and so on. If you feel your child is still uncertain with certain numbers, keep asking them to move to that number so they become more familiar. If you feel your child is confident with these numbers, make your own number cards from paper and select a few numbers (ten or so) up to 30, 50 or even 100.

You will need one or two bus templates again today depending on the ability of your child. Two buses will allow your child to work with larger numbers. You will need some small toys, figures or counters. Your child will be writing out addition calculations so they will need paper and pencils to do this.

You will also need your number cards again. Lay them face down.

Ask your child to turn over a number card, put that many people on the bottom layer of the bus. If it is a large number because your child is more confident with numbers they may almost fill up the spaces on the bus.

Ask your child to write down this first number followed by the ‘+’ symbol. (for example if they turned over a 5 card and then put 5 counters on the bus they would write 5 + onto their paper)

They then turn over another number card. What number is it? Ask your child to add this amount of toys, figures or counters to the top layer of the bus (or the second bus template if needed).

Ask them to write down the second number.  (so if it was a 4 number card this time, they would add 4 counters onto the bus and continue writing out their calculation so it now looks like this 5 + 4 )

Ask your child to count the total number of toys, figures or counters and then write the answer on their calculation. (It now looks like this 5 + 4 = 9)

Repeat this activity a number of times until your child is confident to work independently or with minimal support.