Tuesday Additional Ideas and Science

Make Bus Tickets and play Buses

Your child watched a video about going on a bus in Literacy. Perhaps they could make bus tickets for each member of the family?  Or perhaps for their soft toys? They could role play going on a bus with their toys by siting them one behind the other. Your child could be the bus driver, giving each toy their ticket. They could use a plate or saucepan lid as the steering wheel!


Talk to your child about their breathing. Is it fast or slow?

Ask them to place their hand on their heart (on their chest). Can they feel it beating – slow and steady. Emphasise that both their breathing and their heart rate are slow and steady. Explain that it is because their bodies have not been moving quickly. Their bodies have been moving in a slow and steady way and so their breathing and heart rate are slow and steady.

Choose some lively music to dance too. Encourage your child to move quickly, the aim is to increase their breathing and heart rate!

When your child is slightly out of breath, ask them to stop and think about their breathing now. How has it changed? Can they feel their heart beating in their chest? How has that changed? Explain that their heart is beating faster now to pump their blood around their body. Their breathing is faster because they have been exercising and they need to get more air (oxygen) into their bodies.

In Reception, the aim is for your child to observe and notice the changes of exercise on their bodies. A simple coversation about the changes will support this. They will learn more about the science behind these changes as they progress through school.