Monday’s Home Learning


Good morning Nursery children and families,


I hope you have all had a lovely weekend.


To start the week we are going to move like super heroes and warm our bodies up:


Can you remember the Makaton signs for the colours in ‘I can sing a rainbow’? Try joining in with Mr Tumble as he sings the song:




Today I would like you to make a rainbow xylophone using jam jars or bottles filled with varying amounts of coloured water. As you are filling the jars or bottles talk to your child about how much coloured water they are pouring in. Offer pencils for children to gently tap the xylophone. What can they hear? Are the sounds all the same? Or different? Can they play a tune and make up a song?




Using the camera that you made a little while ago I would like you to choose a shape; circle, square, triangle, rectangle, and draw that shape. Now can you find any items in your house or in your garden which are that shape? Use your camera to take a photograph of the items you find.




Now I would like you to find something which you can use to make a car ramp; a long cardboard tube is ideal. You need to put a large piece of paper on the ground and prop your ramp up using a box or a chair with one end of the tube on the paper. Now you need to find some cars, trains or lorries which will fit down the tube. Put one of the cars into the top of the tube and release it, how far did it go? Put a mark on the paper to show where it stopped. Do this with as many cars as you wish. Which car travelled the furthest? What happens if you prop up the ramp higher? Or lower? You can draw a number line to measure which number the car stops on.