Monday 18th May Home Learning

Good morning Lawley!

I hope you are all well and have had a good, safe weekend.  Here are our home learning activities for today.

Phonics and reading

Please complete your daily reading then take part in the Read Write Inc Set 3 Phonics session on YouTube.  Following this I would like you to have a game of Buried Treasure and revise all phase 2 sounds.

English Home Learning

Today I would like you to watch the video ‘The LightHouse’.  Before watching it all I would like you to pause the video at 45 seconds and write a sentence telling me what you predict this video is about and what you think might happen.  Then continue to watch the rest.

You will notice that there are no words to this story.  Over the next two days I would like you to create a dialogue for this video.  A dialogue are the words that go with the video.  Below is a storyboard for you to draw the main events then add the dialogue underneath.  Remember I need you to use:

  • capital letters
  • full stops
  • phonics
  • neat handwriting
  • finger spaces

The Lighthouse

You will also find Chapter 3 of Anna’s Sports Day on Purple Mash along with a quiz. to complete.

Maths Home Learning

I would like you to start with watching our days of the week song.  Once you have watched this please write the days of the week down independently, remember to use your phonics.

Today we are going to be looking at comparing length and height.  First of all I would like you to watch the video clip below:

For your activity today I would like you to complete this worksheet using the language from the video.


Cheeky Challenge: I would like you to find a range of different objects around your house, remembering to ask permission first. Then I would like you to compare 2 – 3 objects at a time using the words you have heard in the video clip – taller, shorter. I would like you to repeat this with the different objects you have found. Can you swap your sentences around at all?

Topic Home Learning

Last week we looked at a piece of art called Sunflowers by Vincent Van Gogh.  Today I would like you to carry out some research on Van Gogh and complete a fact file.

Here is some information on Van Gogh if you are unable to carry out your own research online.

Art Home Learning

Mr Hughes has set an art lesson on the Lawley News page.  I would like you to have a look at his post then complete the activity.

Have a good day Lawley and stay safe and well.