Year 4 Math and English

Maths  – Learn how to simplify fractions using knowledge of common factors.

When we talk about simplifying fractions, that really means shrinking the fractions down into their smallest form.

Being able to simplify fractions comes in handy because it can make them easier to deal with.

It helps you:

  • add and subtract fractions
  • compare fractions
  • convert fractions into decimals and percentages

Common factors

Your knowledge of times tables is really important when simplifying fractions, because it can help you to find the common factor.

common factor is a number that divides into both the numerator and denominator without leaving any remainders.

Important: you can only divide the numerator and denominator by the same number.

Once you have found the common factor, you need to divide both the numerator and denominator to find the simplified fraction.

English – To understand the difference between formal and informal language.

Formal language is used when we are communicating with people we don’t know very well and want to impress or show respect to. For example, police officers or head teachers.

Informal language is used when we are more relaxed and with people we know well.

For example:

  • Think about how you would answer your best friend if they asked you what you did at the weekend.

  • Now think about how you would answer the same question if your head teacher asked you instead.

  • How would each answer be different?

We often use formal language when we write. However, there are times where writing can be informal, like when we’re writing texts messages, emails, postcards or letters to friends. We use informal language more when we speak, but there are also times where it is expected that we speak formally. For example, in a classroom presentation or when meeting someone new.