Wednesday 20th May Home Learning

Good morning Lawley!

I hope you are all well.  Here are our home learning activities for today.

Reading and phonics

Please complete your daily reading then take part in the Read Write Inc Set 3 Phonics Session.  Following this I would like you to play Dragons Den on Phonics Play, revising all phase 4 sounds.

English Home Learning

I would like you to start today by watching The Lighthouse video again, make sure you watch closely and really imagine you are there with the Lighthouse Keeper.

Today you are going to be the Lighthouse Keeper and are going to write to a friend to tell them about what is happening.  You can write about how you feel, what you see, the way the townspeople helped you, what you would like to do.  Remember in our writing we include:

  • capital letters
  • full stops
  • phonics
  • neat handwriting
  • finger space

Cheeky Challenge: Draw a picture for the front of your postcard.

I have set a joining words activity on Purple Mash based on Anna’s Sports Day Chapter 3.

Maths Home Learning

I would like you to start by watching our number bonds to ten song, then to independently write down all number bonds to 10.

Today we are going to continue looking at measurement using standard measurement. Our focus is centimetres (cm).  We have used standard measurements previously in class where we measured all the children and adults using centimetres.  To start with please watch the video on White Rose.

First of all please complete the problem solving questions below:

Now complete the following worksheet based on measurement:

Cheeky Challenge:  Measure two items in your house using a ruler or tape measure in centimetres.  Then write them in order from longest to shortest.

Touch Typing

Today I would like you to start learning how to touch type.  This is an important skill to develop and one that will help you typing on the computer.  We are going to use Purple Mash for this, here is a picture to describe our fingers:

Here is a video for you to watch first:

Please log on to Purple Mash and find the touch typing 2do to complete based on using the home, top and bottom row keys.

Topic – Design Technology

Over the last few weeks you have had the opportunity to look at different flowers and plants and even design your own.  Today you are going to make your own flower based on the design you completed.  There are many ways you can make your flower, I want you to be as creative and original as you can.  Here are some ideas:

  • junk modelling

  • cake or biscuits

  • paper mache

  • Lego building

These are just suggestions, please use your imagination.  I am looking forward to seeing your flower creations!

Have a good day Lawley 🙂