Guess the Pet!

Here at Holy Trinity we love our pets! We thought you would like to meet them too!  But instead of just sharing our pet photographs, we thought we would make a game out of it for you. Your job is to match each pet to its owner staff member!

Each pet picture will have a letter of the alphabet to identify it. Each staff member who has shared a photo has their name listed at the bottom of all the photographs. Next to the staff member’s name is a number. This is the number of photographs that belong to them.

For example, I would show as Mrs Allcock (3). This means there are 3 photographs from me, not necessarily 3 pets. One photo might have more than one animal on it.

Here are the pet photos

  A        B                          D                           E                                F                                          G                            H                          I                                    J                    

  K                       L M                N                                          O                    

P                                                   Q                                        R                   S                                     T                                                                                U                                                                           V                                                                     W                                                       X                               Y                        Z             A1                                                    B1                                                                C1                           D1






Here are the names of staff who have shared photos of their pets. Remember the number shows how many photo’s belong to them, not how many animals.

Mr Dickson (1)

Mr Kenyon (1)

Miss Wright (2)

Mrs Allcock (3)

Mrs Allen (1)

Mrs McCulloch (1)

Mrs Platt (1)

Miss Scholtok (1)

Miss Hutson (1)

Mrs Price (1)

Mr Hughes (1)

Mrs Holmes (1)

Mrs Thompstone (1)

Mrs Taylor (1)

Mrs Meddins (1)

Mrs Maltby (1)

Mrs Dorofte (1)

Mrs Kenning (1)

Mrs Owen (1)

Mrs Dallow (1)

Mrs Lewis (1)

Mrs Roberts (1)

Mrs Morgan (3)

Mrs Philips (1)

Mrs Salter (2)

Mrs Rowley (2)