Thursday 21st May Home Learning

Good morning Lawley!

I hope you are all well.  Here are our home learning activities for today.

Reading and phonics

Please complete your daily reading along with a book review.  Then take part in the Read Write Inc Set 3 Phonics Session on YouTube.  Next I would like you to have a game of Buried Treasure on Phonics Play revising all Phase 5 sounds.

English Home Learning

Please re watch The Lighthouse below, looking closely at the Lighthouse keeper and imagining what he is feeling.

Today we are going to be looking at verbs and producing a poem.  

A verb is an action word, such as running, jumping, helping.

Your first task is to write as many verbs as possible in the verb grid below, then read the poem.

I would like you to now use the verbs you have listed in the gird to come up with a poem about the Lighthouse.  Remember to be as creative as possible, use your imagination, and do not forget to include:

  • capital letters
  • full stops
  • phonics
  • neat handwriting
  • finger spaces

Cheeky Challenge: Complete the other half of the lighthouse.

I have also set a labels activity on Purple Mash relating to the chapter 3 of Anna’s Sports Day.

Maths Home Learning

Please start by watching our counting in twos song.  Then independently write these down – try to 100.

Today we are looking at weight and mass, focussing on the words lighter and heavier.  To start with please watch the video clip on White Rose:

Please use what you have learnt in this video during our activity.

Cheeky Challenge: Find four items from your house and compare their weight.  I would like you to write four sentences using the words heavier and lighter.

Science Home Learning

We have been looking at seasons, focussing on spring and summer.  Today I would like you to think about each season and how we can tell the difference between each one. 

What are the four seasons?



Well done, they are: Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter.

Today we are going to link art with science and I would like you to create a collage showing your favourite season.  You are going to draw, colour or paint  a picture showing your favourite season, then items you may see during that season, for example the weather, the trees and plants, the clothes we wear, the foods we eat.  Next you are going to write a sentence explaining your favourite season and why you have chosen this.  Here are some examples:

Mrs Morgan’s Frogs

Here is another update from Mrs Morgan for you to write an entry in your Lifecycle of a Frog diary.

“As you can see a lot of pond week has grown which makes it really difficult to see the tadpoles now.  So I have scooped some out to show you how they have grown.  They are getting quite big and plump but no sign of their legs coming yet.  I don’t think it will be long though!  I miss you all and hope you are keeping safe and busy”.

Here is a video for you to watch:


Music Home Learning

I would like you to listen to this song, listening carefully to the words.

How did you feel whilst listening to the song? 

What could you hear?

Did you like the song?  Why, why not?

Today I would like you to learn this song, join in with it and try to make up a dance or some moves with your body to do whilst singing the words.

Have a great day Lawley and stay well and safe.