Long Mynd Celebration Post 21st May 2020

Hello everyone! Another week to celebrate the incredible efforts you are all making at home!

I’d like to start with our Matheltics Champions!

This week we have 4!

Georgina, Alicja, Zorni and Owen! 

A massive well done to all of you! Keep up the brilliant effort! Your certificates are below.


I’ve seen some exceptional work coming from home this week, if you see a piece of your work you should be very proud!

Thank you to everyone who sends me pictures of the work you are doing at home, it means I can help where needed and celebrate when I get the chance!

Next week is half-term so I won’t be posting activities every day for you, but please look back and see if there are any that have already been set that you haven’t completed yet.

Keep sending me your brilliant work and pictures!

Mr Hughes