English Home Learning 22nd May

Good morning!

Join in with ‘Wake up Shake up’ conjunctions song.

I hope that you have been practising your spellings, ask someone in your home to read the dictated sentences so that you can check. Make sure you try to form all of your letters correctly.

I have set ‘2dos’ on Purple Mash linked to Anna and the Third Leaf.

Our focus today is on reading, click on the link below to access the BBC daily lesson:



Attack of the Demon Dinner Ladies

Izzy and her friends have never liked school dinners. Just recently, things have been a bit strange as the dinner ladies are wearing a new uniform and have new rules. When the lollipop man tells them that the new dinner lady has been here before, the children start to investigate.

Watch footballer Jessie Lingard read an extract from Attack of the Demon Dinner Ladies.

Think about the following:

  • Do you know what Shepherd’s Pie is?

  • Why did the children sit at the Packed Lunch table that day?

  • What does the word ‘weird’ mean?

  • Do you think Mrs Kidd is evil?