RAF Cosford half term competition


RAF Cosford Museum are running a poster competition over the half term. They need help, creating an attractive poster to help reopen their museum (when it is safe to do so).

Here is a link for a ‘poster pack’ which you can use to help you create your poster.


Below I have included some videos to help you with the creation of your poster.

The first video is a tour of Cosford RAF Museum, and the second is an introduction to 100 years of flight.

I have also attached a link for you to visit the museum website to help further with the creation of the poster.


The link also has a wide range of fun activities for you to participate in.

There are some good prizes up for grabs! If you create a poster, send a picture of it to you class email address or Dojo page, so your teacher can submit your entries for you.

Good luck and have fun!