Hawkstone Questionnaire

I just wanted to say how proud I am of you all and how well you have adapted to home learning. This week is officially Whit Week and Monday is Bank Holiday. I know we can’t go out and do too much and we still need to keep safe so this week teachers won’t be setting work each day. Like you, we will be taking time off to spend with our families.

If you are after work, teachers have posted a range of activities on their web pagees also visit BBC Bitesize for daily lessons.
I will not be answering emails nor Dojo messages until I return back to work the following Monday.

I know I will be going for long walks, having a lie in, taking time to chill and relax after such a busy and hectic half term ready for back to school for some children the Monday after. Well done, now time to enjoy a few days off together.

One thing I do ask if you can look over the Hawkstone Questionnaire, complete by the 3rd June and return by email to hawkstone@holytrinitycepa.co.uk

Hawkstone Questionnaire

Please have a lovely week off, take time to relax and keep safe.