Monday 1st June Stiperstones Home Learning

Hi Everyone

Welcome back to home learning. Hope you all had a great holiday. The weather was beautiful so I spent lots of time gardening.

I am going to be back teaching in Stipertsones from Wednesday, so won’t have as much time to get straight back to you like I have been doing.

As a whole school – we are starting a new project on Bubbles as from Wednesday – we will all be working in Bubble zones.

Maths and English will be as normal. However, when Year 6 start on Wednesday, we will all work together on Bubble themes.

Today in maths – we are looking back to some revision on multiplication. Have a careful look at the sheets and follow the instructions carefully.


English – Synonyms and Antonyms – You should already know what these are , but here is some practice on BBC  Bitesize incase you have forgotten.

Today is Science Stiperstones and Hawkstone Year 5 and 6  – Remember that last week, before half term we dissected a flower and labelled it. Some of you matched those labels to the functions of each part of the flower. If you haven’t done this activity yet – it is in the pack. Also look at Ellis’ example on Dojo. Today we are discussing pollination. Look at the star sheet 2 and fill in the blanks and pictures correctly .Activity Sheet Pollination   

This clip wil help with your learning. Have a great day Stiperstones!