Monday’s Home Learning


Hello Nursery children and families,

I hope you all had a lovely half term break.


Today we are going to begin by doing some Cosmic Yoga:



As the weather is so lovely today you could go on a picnic into your garden. You can make your own sandwiches to eat at your picnic. Remember to use a knife carefully when spreading the butter onto the bread and cutting up the sandwich. What filling are you going to have in your sandwich? I would like cheese in my sandwich. You can cut the sandwich down the middle, how many sandwiches do you have now? What shape are the sandwiches? Then cut each sandwich into half again. How many sandwiches do you have now? Are they the same shape as before or different? What else will you take on your picnic?



It is a lovely day outside; the sun is shining and it is very hot. When it is hot outside you need to take care. What kinds of things can you do to keep you safe in the sun? Draw a picture of all the things you can do to keep you safe, now draw a big bag on some paper, cut out the pictures you have drawn and stick them on the bag. I have attached a  link to the activity for you to copy or print out.

Can you find all the real items and put them in a bag? Now you are ready to be safe in the sun.



Have a lovely, safe day everyone!