Home Learning – Monday 1st June

Good morning Earl’s Hill and welcome back!

I hope you had a lovely and relaxing half term. We have been absolutely spoilt with this weather! For the next few weeks, our topic will be “The Enchanted Wood”. I am so excited!

Today I would like you to go on a walk. Somewhere with lots of trees, grass, maybe some flowers. Anywhere where you are surrounded by nature! You’ll need to take a camera (a phone is fine) and a bag for collection! 


Before you go, I would like you to write down what you think you will see/hear/feel/smell. Write down in simple words on a sheet that looks like this: 

You don’t have to draw the pictures – this is just one I had already. 

Try your hardest to write each word without asking for help! Just to see what you can do by your self. 


While you are on your walk, pick up anything that you find interesting! One way of collecting interesting things is with a sellotape bracelet: 


I’ve done this by loosely wrapping sellotape around our wrists backwards so that the sticky part faces outwards. 





Collecting a few pieces, will remind the children of what they have seen/heard/smelt/felt on their walks. Also please take lots of photos throughout the walk. You don’t need to send these to me. We will need these over the course of the week as we are going to be writing a recount of this walk. 



Reception’s Maths this week is all about repeated patterns. So while you are out on your walk, use nature to create a repeated pattern on the ground using two items. Ask the child to continue the pattern. This can be made into a hunting game at the same time. Here is an example: 


If your child finds two items easy, introduce a third item or repeat one of the items. 






Year 1: Bitesize

You don’t need to write out each worksheet, just writing the answers is absolutely fine! If the work is too hard, take it little by little or change the numbers to suit your child. BBC bitesize is a “one size fits all” and we know that this doesn’t work for all children! 


While you are out, look at the trees. I would like you to have a go at identifying some trees! You can do this by taking pictures of the leaves and naming them when you get home or you can do it there. I have attached a simple Tree Identification chart for you to use!

Don’t forget that it will be really hot today so please stay safe in the sun!









Have an amazing day! I’m looking forward to receiving all of your photos!

Mrs Taylor!