Wednesday’s Home Learning


Hello Nursery children and families,


Today we are going to start the day by joining in with some zumba:



And now a song where you have to listen and follow the instructions






Here’s a fun alphabet game for you to play

You will need:

  • Paper plates or circles of card or paper
  • Pens or pencils

Write one letter of the alphabet on each paper plate. Start with matching lowercase letters. Following this you can match capitals to lowercase.

Then lay them out on the floor and play the game!  Here are the rules in case you’re not familiar with the memory game. Each player turns over two cards (plates) at a time.  If they match, the player keeps them.  If not, they turn them back over and the next player takes a turn turning over two cards.

When all the paper plates have been matched, count them and the winner is the person with the most plates.


For the next activity you will need:
  • A dice
  • Building blocks, coins, boxes etc

First you need to roll the dice. Now count the spots; how many are there? Pick up that number of building blocks and build a tower with them. Take turns doing this until there are no more blocks or you want to finish the game. How many blocks are in your tower? The winner is the person with the tower with the most blocks





It’s going to be a rainy day today. Play a game called Raindrop Races. Follow a raindrop down a window. What happens to it? Have a raindrop race with a friend. Pick a raindrop at the top of the window and see which one makes it to the bottom first.  How many raindrops can you catch on your tongue? How many can we catch all together and how can we find this out? Pretend cry, look at the raindrops trickling down your cheek and make a sad face.


Have a good day everyone!