Home Learning – Thursday 4th June

Good morning everyone!

I hope everyone is doing well! I can see most of us are getting back into the swing of home learning again which is fantastic to see. There is some brilliant work coming in!


Today we begin our recounts! Your story boards were fantastic! Now what you need to do is write a sentence for each box. Use your pictures and your photos to help you. Make sure you use your neatest handwriting, finger spaces and full stops.

Year 1:  This is a recount so you need to use time words to show the chronological order. First, next, then, after that, later, finally, lastly. You don’t have to use all of them but make sure your sentence starts with one that makes sense and is in the right order.

You can use the same layout as your storyboard or you can just write down the page like normal. It’s completely up to you!


Year 1: Bitesize


Today is going to be a tricky Maths activity! I hope you’re up for a challenge!

Sometimes our patterns come in different sizes and they get repeated. I need you to complete these patterns for me. Level 3 might have some problems. If it has a problem, write what the problem is underneath.

There are three levels: Levels 1 and 2 are much simpler. Level 3 is harder. Chose either 1 or 2 and then have a go at 3.

Complete the patterns 1

Complete the patterns 2

Complete the patterns 3

Extra activity

Did you know you can tell how old a try is? Every year, a tree grows wider. If you cut a tree in half, you can count the rings inside to see how old it is! Obviously we can’t do that! So I would like you to find a tree and measure it. You can use anything to measure it (but a tape measure would be best!). On average, a tree grows 2 and a half centimetres every year. Adults, can you help the children work out how old a tree is?

When you’ve found out how old one tree is (it can be a really thin one to make it easier) you can guess whether the trees are really old or really young! Have a look at these trees. Can you guess how old they are?
















If it starts to rain like it did yesterday, here are some more fun activities to be done inside: